How To Fix a Generator That Won't Start?

May 04, 2023

When you’re in the middle of an emergency and your generator refuses to start, it can be a very frustrating experience. However, there’s no cause for alarm. Whatever challenges you face while trying to switch on your generator can be easily resolved and you can go back to enjoying uninterrupted power supply.

In today’s article, we will be looking at how to fix a generator that refuses to start. But before we do that, what are some of the possible reasons why your generator refuses to start when you need it to? And how can you fix these issues?  Read on to find out more!

Reasons Why Your Generator Won’t Start

There’s Not Enough Fuel in The Tank

If the fuel gauge is reading empty – or near empty – then turning on your generator might prove to be more of a challenge than you imagined. Your generator may also refuse to start if the fuel in the tanks is stale. When fuel stays long in the tank, it degrades. Using such fuel can permanently damage your generator’s engines.

Pro Tip: Always check the fuel gauge and top of your fuel levels if they are low. Siphon out any stale fuel and replace it with fresh fuel.

The Spark Plugs Are Dirty

Another reason why your generator may refuse to start is if your spark plugs are dirty or damaged. If your spark plugs are dirty, they will be unable to provide the spark needed to start the generator. Sometimes, the reason they don’t work as efficiently as before is because they are worn out. If this is the case, then you would need to replace your spark plugs.

Pro Tip: Clean your spark plugs if there is a lot of debris on it and use a spark plug tester to check if it still produces sparks.

You Have a Clogged Carburetor

As far as your generator is concerned, the carburetor is where all the magic happens. This is where oxygen mixes with the fuel before it is supplied to the pistons. And if fuel is left in the carburetor for too long, it can degrade and form clogs. Such clogs can make it difficult for fresh fuel to get into the carburetor so ignition can start.

Pro Tip: Thoroughly clean out the carburetor if it contains fuel that has stayed longer than three months.

Your Generator’s Air Filters Are Clogged

Your generator’s air filters are responsible for allowing oxygen to get into the carburetor while simultaneously keeping out dirt and dust. But when they get clogged, they are unable to function properly. And this can affect your generator’s ability to start because there is not enough oxygen in the carburetor to ignite the fuel.

Pro Tip: Clean the air filters by shaking off the accumulated dust and fix them back.

If you’ve tried all the tips above and your generator still doesn’t start, then it’s time to call in the professionals.

Call Yes! today and have your generator repair issues sorted out in no time.


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Last Updated: May 25, 2023